Thanks for checking out the new website!

Welcome to the New Website!

Thank you for checking out the new site! As always, Patreon remains an option for subscription, and content will continue to be available simultaneously on both platforms—so you won’t miss out!

Why the Changes? When I moved away from the Twitch Affiliate program, my goal was to find new ways to shake up the creator economy and provide as much value as I could to those folks that wanted to support me and other creators. Patreon served that purpose well for a while but now that I've had plenty of time to see how the platform is used and reflect on what I've done on that platform I can see that because of the fees imposed by Patreon it's not really viable long term in its current state.  So what's changing?

  • Streamlined Tiers: I’m focusing on the most popular support levels to keep things simple and valuable.
  • No More Paywalls: Exclusive access to shirts felt bad and Patreons handling of fulfillment of those shirts often led to confusion and furstration. So now instead of paywalling all the shirts, subscribers at certain tiers will get early access to those designs. For current subscribers on Patreon in tiers with shirt/sticker benefits your Squirrel Squad shirt/sticker will still arrive as scheduled!

New Additions: I'll be introducing behind-the-scenes content, vlogs, AMAs and more ways for you all to influence what happens on the channel.

Exciting Features with Fourthwall:

  • Sub and Merch Gifting: Share the love with the community.
  • New Merch Store: Exclusive member discounts.
  • Giveaways: More chances to snag cool stuff!

A Special Offer: To get you started on Fourthwall, every Patreon subscriber will receive a free month of membership. Check your Patreon messages for the link, or contact me on Discord if you haven’t received it.

Thank You! I really do appreciate all of you, thanks for sticking with me while I try out new avenues that allow me to keep streaming and releasing content while providing you guys with the most value possible.  I want to be transparent in making these decisions so I can get your feedback and make sure that being part of this community is as good, fun, and rewarding as it can be. This is not just my community, it's OURS 👍